Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Latest on DVD: Mickey & Judy & Fred & Mario

The latest and greatest available on DVD this week:

The Classics:

New in Thrillers:

More New Releases:

  • Nomad: The Warrior- The Kazakhstan historical epic complete with 300-ish cover art.
  • Renaissance- An animated noir featuring the voice of Daniel Craig.
  • Cashback- The full-length version of the Oscar-nominated short. I have seen the short and there was gratuitous female nudity all throughout it (I haven't seen so much p*ssy since The Aristocats), so I can't imagine what the feature will be like.
  • The Woody Woodpecker and Friends Classic Cartoon Collection- Speaking of shorts, classic cartoon fans rejoice as the toons of Woody, et al are finally released on DVD. (Thus concludes are p*ssy and Woody coverage for the week.)

Foreign Faves Return:

TV on DVD:

Of Gay Interest:

Click on the individual links to purchase them at Amazon.com.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Judy Garland and Mickey Roonet, this week at The Judy Garland Experience we are featuring audio files of Judy's performance at Westbury Music Fair, which also includes surprise appearances by Peter Allen and Liza Minnelli. And if that isn't enough, there is also an ultra rare joint BBC appearance by from Judy and Shirley Bassey, as well as other audio odds and ends. The Judy Experience is a popular group on Yahoo, that, along with amazing audio files, has great photo files, and some of the livliest discussions anywhere. Stop by and check our little Judyville out, you may never want to leave!
