Friday, July 27, 2007

Out in Film: Farley Granger

One of my goals with the "Out in Film" feature is to spotlight actors, actresses and other filmmakers who many may not know are gay. Such was the case, for me at least, with Farley Granger (I must have missed the memo from headquarters).

The classically handsome Granger, one of the last contract players at Goldwyn, starred in the pseudo-queer Hitchcock classics Rope (opposite John Dall) and Strangers on a Train (co-starring Robert Walker). Naturally, Granger was closeted at the time, although he was involved with "aggressively out" Rope screenwriter Arthur Laurents. Other notable films in Granger's filmography from this time include They Live By Night, O. Henry's Full House and Hans Christian Andersen with Danny Kaye.

After his Hollywood hay days, Granger turned to television and Broadway (starring in Deathtrap), traveling to Italy to star in his personal favorite film, Senso, directed by Luchino Visconti. His last onscreen role was in 2001's The Next Big Thing.

Granger, recently honored with a lifetime achievement award at the Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, currently lives in New York with his longtime partner, Robert Calhoun. The two collaborated on Granger's memoir, "Include Me Out: My Life from Goldwyn to Broadway".

Click here to purchase Farley Granger's autobiographyfrom

1 comment:

  1. I always figured he was. He played the role in Rope "too good". Interesting to finally find out I was right after all these many years. Doesn't change my opinion of him one bit though. A great actor who was very handsome in the late 1940's and into the 1950's. I loved his role in Strangers on a Train and Rope. Rope is an excellent classic that is often overlooked. Being one myself I thought the moment I saw FG in Rope that he was gay (or at least bi) and now my hunch was proven.
