Christian Bale is back in the bat suit, and it looks like he gets a new "Batcycle" to play with as well. Michael Caine is also on hand as faithful manservant Alfred Pennyworth, and there appears to be multiple Batmen (?) too, but the big reveal is our first good look at Heath Ledger as the Joker.
As you can see from the above photograph alone, he looks, well, insane. (Which is a good look for the Joker, of course.) Stringy hair, washed-out make-up and some kind of tight-fitting purple get-up that proves that Christopher Nolan's take on the crown prince of crime is as far from the over-the-top hamminess that was Jack Nicholson's performance as you can get.
The Dark Knight will swoop into theaters next summer.
Links via Imdb.com and KungFuRodeo.com.
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