Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bad Boys: What Are You Going To Do?

What is it about bad boys that make them so appealing? We know we shouldn't, but we're still drawn to them. Is it the surly demeanor, the anti-social behavior, their raw ... naughtiness? Well, my friends, you know the answer to that one as well as I do: all of the above.

Shiznet's list of the "Top 20 Crazy Bastards" has plenty of, well, crazy bastards you wouldn't look twice at (Jack Nicholson -- who bookends the countdown as Frank Costello and Jack Torrance -- any one?). However, there are at least five who you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers ... or shooting your cat:
  • Ben Kinglsey as Don Logan in Sexy Beast: Yeah, I know, there's the whole Gandhi thing. But check out those pecs!
  • Michael Madsen as Mr. Blonde in Reservoir Dogs: Wouldn't you like to be stuck in the middle with him?
  • Skeet Ulrich as Billy Loomis in Scream: All your psycho ex-boyfriends rolled into one jailbait package.
  • Bruce Wayne in the Batman movies: Pick a flavor: Kilmer, Clooney, Bale. Which brings us to ...
  • Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho: Sure, he has questionable taste in music and is unnervingly adept with a chainsaw, but he dresses nice. And, as you can see above, undresses real nice too.
And for even more nasty boys then you can shake your stick at, here's a "toxic" video montage of sexy villains, rogues and bad boys just for you.

Links via TheShiznet.co.uk and YouTube.com.

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