Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Memo from Movie Dearest, RE: Back on the Beat

After a week away in not-so sunny Florida, I am back ... and I bear good news: I got the job! As of the beginning of next year, I will be back in the employ of a certain major worldwide entertainment corporation that won't be too hard for those who know me and/or read this blog on a regular basis to figure out. I know I will be very happy in this new role and even happier once I get out of the snowy Midwest and back to the Sunshine State for good, all settled in and back to work, both in my new "real job" and here at Movie Dearest.

My actual move won't be until after Christmas, which is good news for you all, as I have a lot of things planned for the upcoming holiday movie season, including special coverage of at least two movies (Enchanted, Sweeney Todd) we're all excited to see in the coming months. And I'm hoping to be up and running, post-move, just in time for Oscar season to kick into high gear.

In the meantime, a thank you to all who wished me well on my trip and in getting the new job; it is most appreciated, as always. I will be back shortly with the new November movie wallpaper, plus this week's Latest on DVD, an overview of Turner Classic Movie's schedule for next month, another article about MD in the gay press, and lots more.

But before I go, I wanted to remind everyone to visit my sponsors when doing their online holiday shopping this year. The links can be found toward the bottom of the sidebar on your right, and when you click through to their websites, all items purchased there generate a commission for MD, which will be very beneficial for my upcoming relocation. I am also planning a few Sponsor Spotlight posts in the weeks to come, to highlight some of the great movie-themed gifts available from Amazon.com, Sideshow Collectibles, the New Line Cinema Store, Entertainment Earth and more. And you know how the old saying goes: "Please visit our sponsors!" ... every little bit helps.

Be back soon ...!

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