Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pink is the New Out

Let's face it: we talk about a lot of gay celebrities here at Movie Dearest, from Ian and Ellen to Rosie and Cheyenne, we love 'em all. We love them for their talents, and love them some more for being out and proud in this crazy world we live in today.

But, to be honest with you, it's tiring and gets redundant having to write and read "openly gay" next to so many names, not that I do it all that much anyway. See, I know my MD readers are smart and well read, and they know their gay celebs.

However, what about the ones that you may not be aware of? Through the course of writing this blog, I have come across a couple names that even I did not know were "one of the family", and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

So, as a service to my readers, and also as a means in furthering gay visibility here in cyberspaceland, I have come up with what I believe is a subtle yet effective way to distinguish all the famous GLBT people mentioned on this site. You may have noticed already that some names in recent posts are colored in a light shade of pink. Well, as you can surmise, pink is the new "out", at least here at MD. From here on out, every out GLBT celebrity named herein will be hued in pink. Furthermore, I am currently working my way back through all the past (350-plus!) posts to update those as well.

Now, some may think that pink is a stereotypical "gay color", but I say think of it along the lines of the "pink triangle", a symbol created to victimize us, but reclaimed by us to symbolize our pride. Besides, it would be really tedious to do everyone's name in rainbow colors.

In conclusion, here's where you come in. If a name happens to slip past me, let me know by shooting me an email (address in the sidebar to your right, below my profile) or just post a comment in the handy-dandy comment section at the bottom of each post. If possible, provide a link to a valid source (it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: MD does not traffic in unwanted outings or rumor mongering, and any such posts will be deleted). On the other hand, if I accidentally "pink" someone who is not an out GLBT person, let me know ASAP as well.

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