Saturday, December 1, 2007

Have Yourself a Very Movie Christmas

It is the first day of December, and as you can see, Movie Dearest is getting into the holiday spirit and all, even doing a bit of decorating around the place (how do you like the tree?).

To kick the season off, cinematically speaking, here is a recent commercial that will help you get in a festive mood, with a few choice movie quotes thrown in for good measure (see the comments section for the full list, including one of those infamous misquotes).

Happy holidays!

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1 comment:

  1. "They're here!" - Poltergeist
    "Say hello to my little friend" - Scarface
    "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse" - The Godfather
    "Pay the man his money" - Rounders
    "Precious" - The Lord of the Rings
    "I'll be back" - The Terminator
    "Hey Stella!" - A Streetcar Named Desire
    "Luke, I'm your father!" - The Empire Strikes Back (misquote)
    "Are you talkin' to me?" - Taxi Driver
    "Now that's a knife!" - Crocidile Dundee
    "You're gonna need a bigger boat" - Jaws
    "I'll have what she's having" -- When Harry Met Sally

    And as a bonus, note what Grandma is doing to the mashed potatoes.
