Sunday, December 30, 2007

MD Awards: Stage Show of the Year

When even a character in it describes Xanadu as "children's theater for 40 year-old gay men", what other choice do we have then to name it the Movie Dearest Stage Show of the Year?

Based on the notoriously-awful-but-we-love-it-anyway movie musical starring Olivia Newton John, the unexpected hit has been packing in the "Fanadus" since it opened on Broadway this past summer. Directed by Christopher Ashley from a book by Douglas Carter Beane, an Aussie-fied Kerry Butler channels ONJ, while the hunkalicious Cheyenne Jackson skates his way to stardom. Tony Roberts takes over for Gene Kelly, and the fab scene-stealers Jackie Hoffman and Mary Testa appear as the evil muses.

Yup, turning one of the biggest bombs in movie history into a critically acclaimed stage musical sure takes a lot of balls ... disco balls, that is.

For all the Movie Dearest coverage of Xanadu, including pictures and videos, click here.

Click here to pre-order the Xanaducast album from
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