Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Awards Watch: Golden Tomatoes '07

And a rat shall lead them: Rotten Tomatoes has revealed their 9th Annual Golden Tomato Awards, honoring the best-reviewed films of 2007, with the Disney/Pixar hit Ratatouille landing in the top spot. Netting an overall score of a whopping 96%, the Oscar nominated animated comedy won director Brad Bird his second Golden Tomato; he received his first four years ago for The Incredibles.

Rounding out the top ten for wide release movies are No Country for Old Men, The Bourne Ultimatum, Sicko, Hairspray, Juno, Knocked Up, Gone Baby Gone, Enchanted and Zodiac. See the comments section below for the top ten films in limited release and the number one movie per genre.


  1. Top 10 - Limited Release:

    Away from Her
    The Lives of Others
    The Host
    The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
    In the Shadow of the Moon
    The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
    The Savages
    There Will Be Blood
    No End in Sight

    #1 Movie by Genre:

    Action/Adventure: The Bourne Ultimatum

    Animation: Ratatouille

    Comedy: Juno

    Drama: Away from Her

    Horror: Grindhouse

    Kids/Family: Enchanted

    Romance: Atonement

    Sci Fi/Fantasy: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Documentary: Sicko

    Foreign Language: The Lives of Others

    Thriller: No Country for Old Men

    Musical: Once

    Moldy Tomato Award (worst reviewed film of the year): Because I Said So

  2. And if you combined the wide and limited releases, this would be the actual top 10 best reviewed movies of 2007, regardless of release format:

    Top 10 of the Year:
    No Country for Old Men
    The Bourne Ultimatum
    Knocked Up
    Away From Her
    The Lives of Others
