Thursday, January 24, 2008

Did You Get Lost Again?

Apple iTunes

The Emmy Award-winning Lost returns a week from tonight with the first of the eight new episodes of its fourth, strike-truncated season.

It has been many months since last season's game-changing stunner of a finale, so to refresh your memory, iTunes is offering a free recap episode to get you back up to speed.

Click on the image above to download the free episode now (link will open in a new window), and tune into ABC next Thursday night for the sure to be talked about season premiere of Lost.


  1. actually, season 4 and 5 were always going to be shorter seasons. That is the deal the creators and network made after the ratings dropped so much last year. So not strike related

  2. Well, yes and no. The 4th and 5th seasons are planned to be only 16 episodes long, but this season was cut short by the writers strike as they only have 8 episodes to air at this time.

    However, we could still see the other 8 if they strike is resolved quickly.

    - kch
