Friday, January 11, 2008

Out in Film: Leslie Jordan

Idol worship: Leslie Jordan, actor/wrighter.

- Of the four Emmy Award-winning gay characters on Will and Grace, his was the only one played by an out actor; he has also turned up on such other beloved series as Murphy Brown, Ellen, Alley McBeal, Reba and Ugly Betty.

- Originated the role of Earl "Brother Boy" Ingram in Del Shores' cult comedy Sordid Lives on stage and film. He'll revisit the character in the upcoming TV version on LOGO.

- He wrote and starred in the autobiographical play Lost in the Pershing Point Hotel, which was also made into a movie.

- He recently toured the country performing his one-man stage comedy, Like a Dog on Linoleum, wherein he confessed a weakness for street hustlers.

- Other future projects include another series for LOGO, the sketch comedy Laugh Out, and another movie with Del Shores, Southern Baptist Sissies.

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