Thursday, March 27, 2008

MD Poll: Something Wilde

Movie Dearest readers went Wilde over the latest MD Poll, voting the Stephen Fry starring film their favorite gay biopic.

For a while there, it was a "Wilde vs. Whale" smack down, with Gods and Monsters eventually coming in a close second. Rounding out the top five was Monster, Boys Don't Cry and Capote, all featuring Oscar winning lead performances.

See the comments section below for the complete stats, and click here to vote in the latest MD Poll.

1 comment:

  1. What is your favorite gay biopic?

    1. Wilde - 19.5%
    2. Gods and Monsters - 17.1
    3. Monster - 14.6
    4. Boys Don't Cry - 12.2
    5. Capote - 9.8
    6. Before Night Falls / Prick Up Your Ears - 7.3
    8. De-Lovely / Running With Scissors - 4.9
    10. Kinsey - 2.4

    Total votes: 41
