Monday, March 31, 2008

Monthly Wallpaper - April 2008: Classic Comedy

Movie Dearest celebrates our favorite cinematic April fools next month with a salute to Classic Comedy.

From silent era geniuses like Chaplin, Lloyd and Keaton to vaudeville transplants like Abbott & Costello and the brothers Marx to the iconic pairings of Grant & Russell and West & Fields to daffy duos such as Laurel & Hardy, Hope & Crosby and Martin & Lewis to the sophisticated stylings of Powell & Loy (and Asta) and Harlow to the comedic masteries of Wilder and Lubitsch, you're in for a lot of laughs with this month's calendar wallpaper.

All you have to do is click on the picture above to enlarge it, then simply right click your mouse and select "Set as Background". (You can also save it to your computer and set it up from there if you prefer.) The size is 1024 x 768, but you can modify it if needed in your own photo-editing program.

1 comment:

  1. Movies featured:

    Safety Last
    The General
    The Gold Rush
    A Night at the Opera
    Sons of the Desert
    The Naughty Nineties
    To Be or Not To Be
    Road to Morocco
    Sailor Beware
    Dinner at Eight
    His Girl Friday
    The Thin Man
    Some Like It Hot
    My Little Chickadee
