Saturday, July 26, 2008

That Galaxy Far, Far Away Will Now Be Really, Really Close

Leave it to George Lucas to figure out a way to get Star Wars fans to pay to see his movies all over again ... again. Plans are underway to re-release not one, not two, but all six Star Wars movies using state-of-the-art 3-D technology. So now moviegoers will get to experience the thrill of dodging light sabres, laser beams and Jabba the Hut drool sometime in the future, as no exact schedule has been set at this time.

Lucas had mentioned his intentions for this 3-D bonanza at least three years ago, where the plan was to re-release one movie a year. I have to imagine that interest would die down about half way through that scenario though. I remember when the much-ballyhooed "special editions" of the original trilogy came out back in 1997 and everyone was pretty much over it by the time Return of the Jedi (I refuse to call it Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi) came out.

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