Monday, September 22, 2008

Awards Watch: Emmys 2008

The 60th Annual Emmy Awards were handed out last night, but there wasn't too much to get excited about as far as Movie Dearest was concerned. Our only favorite program to win anything all night was Pushing Daisies (for Barry Sonnenfeld's direction of the "Pie-lette"). Seriously, what does Neil Patrick Harris, Chandra Wilson and Vanessa Williams have to do to get a little Emmy love?

The highlight of the whole painfully protracted affair (seriously, those hosts get paid for, you know, hosting?) was Josh Groban's delightfully goofy renditions of about 30 famous TV theme songs. We all knew the velvet-voiced cutie could sing, but who knew he could rap (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air) or do a mean Cartman impression (South Park)?


  1. to cute. watched it again on you-tube. Funny and smart thinking.

  2. Yeah, a lot of people didn't seem to get the joke though. I thought it was fun.

    - kch
