Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dancing in September

With its largest cast yet, Dancing With the Stars tangos its way back to TV tomorrow night with the first installment of a much ballyhooed "Three-Night Premiere Event" (would you expect anything less from DWTS?).

Two couples will actually be eliminated this week, so Movie Dearest hopes our three favorites -- Cloris Leachman, Lance Bass and Susan Lucci -- survive at least the first round to rumba again. We have no idea how our chosen trio of stars dance, but Leachman has proven to be quite the randy loose cannon of late, so she'll be a hoot to have around for a while, and both Big Edie and our Neil Cohen idolize La Lucci, a.k.a. Miss Erica Kane. And Scotty the Intern has had quite the crush on Mr. Bass (who has been making the interview rounds of late; here he is with The Advocate and E! Online) ever since he first saw the music video for "Bye Bye Bye". (I just hope they don't use that song when/if Lance is cut; it would just destroy our poor Scotty.)

Who among the rest of the cast will suffer the blistering bon mots of judge Bruno Tonioli, never to fox trot again? Again, who knows how they will all do on the dance floor, but I would love it if so-called "star" (publicity hog is more like it) Kim Kardashian were waltzed out the door, never to be seen or heard of again.


  1. I know I am going to watch this one. I normally do not watch this, but to see these in action.

    By the way have you seen True Blood. What is you thought on this one.

  2. After last season, which ended up being kind of boring, I was going to give up on this show. But this cast is too good not to pass up.

    And no, haven't seen any of "True Blood". Haven't heard much good about it either. Have you seen it? What do you think about it if you have?

    - kch

  3. Saw dancing with the stars, This year I think it will be nice.
    "True Blood" is going to be a GREAt show I think. but hey I am into the vampire thing.

  4. I like vampires too, will probably catch it on DVD.

    I think they made a mistake having them do 2 dances the first week, hopefully they won't do it again. It's hard enough with just one dance, and you can tell they're all worn out.

    And the judges are certainly a lot tougher then they used to be. Len has been a really bitch too. Lance danced so much better then a "6" ... I hope there isn't more going on there.

    - kch
