Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Toon Talk: WALL-E Phone Home

This past summer at the movies wasn’t all superheroes and, well, more superheroes. While those all-star blockbusters soared to the top of the box office, a not-so-little movie about a little robot with a lot of heart captured the imaginations of audiences of all ages. And now, like his cinematic predecessor E.T., WALL-E gets to go home.

Your home, that is, with the release of a 3-disc special edition Disney DVDthat almost makes up for the bare bone single disc-ers that Cars and Ratatouille were. However, don’t get too excited, as the third disc is merely a downloadable digital copy of the movie.

Nevertheless, the two main discs are packed with hours of bonus materials (including the DVD debut of the feature-length documentary The Pixar Story and the brand new short BURN-E) that refreshingly breaks away from the typical “behind the scenes at Pixar” stuff that was quickly becoming redundant (before they were abandoned, that is). Instead, what you’ll find are features that are still informative and entertaining, yet as dynamic and unique as the movie itself.

Click here to continue reading my Toon Talk review of this new DVD releaseat

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