Monday, December 22, 2008

The Latest on TV: Return to Grey Gardens

Albert Maysles returns to familiar territory with Grey Gardens: From East Hampton to Broadway, a new documentary that will begin airing tomorrow night on PBS' Independent Lens (check local listings for exact dates and showtimes in your area).

As the title suggest, the hour-long program "unfolds the creative journey" that turned the cult classic Grey Gardens from non-fiction film to Tony Award-winning Broadway musical. In addition to a look behind-the-scenes and performance footage, the doc includes interviews with the creators and cast (such as the original stage Little Edie, Christine Ebersole) and even an interview with Maysles himself.


  1. Thanks for the heads up on this Kirby, and I hope you have a really happy holiday!


    aunt john

  2. Thanks, Aunt John!

    All my best to everyone at Kindertrauma this holiday season!!!

    - kch
