Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tune in to TCM: Christmas Cheers

Continuing their holiday week salute to festive film favorites, Turner Classic Movies will present a 24-hour Christmas Eve marathon tomorrow. Films scheduled for the all-day event include the 1938 Reginald Owen A Christmas Carol, Christmas in Connecticut starring Barbara Stanwyck and Dennis Morgan, Holiday Affair with Robert Mitchum, Loretta Young as The Bishop's Wife and (of course) Meet Me in St. Louis.

The festivities continue on Christmas Day with a trio of Biblical epics: The Greatest Story Ever Told, King of Kings and Ben-Hur. That's a total of 595 minutes of running time, folks, so take it easy on the eggnog.


  1. Chris Carpenter, Neil Cohen and Kirby C. Holt of Movie Dearest. I love your blog, and hope to see more o fit in the next year.
    Merry Christmas I hop eyou find everything you want under your tree, or Happy Holidays.

  2. Thank you Ray for all your support!

    Best of everything to you and yours this holiday season!!!

    - kch
