With one week to go until Oscar night, this month's Movie Dearest Calendar Wallpaper takes a look back at the Best Actors, the legendary leading men who took home the Academy's gold man in years past.
These iconic performances of unforgettable characters include Brando as Malloy, Cooper as Kane, Douglas as Gekko, Hackman as Doyle, Hanks as Gump, Nicholson as McMurpy, Peck as Finch and more. Behold, the men of March!
All you have to do is click on the picture above to enlarge it, then simply right click your mouse and select "Set as Background". (You can also save it to your computer and set it up from there if you prefer.) The size is 1024 x 768, but you can modify it if needed in your own photo-editing program.
Movies featured:
Forrest Gump
Rain Man
Wall Street
On Golden Pond
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The French Connection
Lilies of the Field
To Kill a Mockingbird
The King and I
On the Waterfront
High Noon
Captains Courageous