Friday, November 1, 2013

Monthly Wallpaper - November 2013: Cinema Italiano

Ciao Bella! This month's Movie Dearest Calendar Wallpaper celebrates the films of Italy, or better yet, "Cinema Italiano"!

With classics from Fellini, De Sica, Visconti and Leone starring such Italian screen icons as Mastroianni, Loren, Masina and Eastwood(?), you'll be saying "grazie" all November long, not just on Thanksgiving. Bravissimo!

Just click on the picture above to enlarge it to its 1024 x 768 size, then right click your mouse and select "Set as Background", and you're all set.

1 comment:

  1. November 2013 - Cinema Italiano:

    The Battle of Algiers
    The Bicycle Thief
    Cinema Paradiso
    Death in Venice
    La Dolce Vita

    The Garden of the Finzi Continis
    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
    Life is Beautiful
    Nights of Cabiria
    A Special Day
    La Strada
    Two Women
    Umberto D.
