Wednesday, January 13, 2021

MD on IG Review: Fun with Dickens, Jane

The most recent screen versions of the oft-adapted literary classics The Personal History of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens and Emma by Jane Austen have much in common, and not just their impending rivalry in Best Costume Design categories everywhere. Both take a decidedly 21st century approach to their material, from David's colorblind casting to Emma's post-MeToo attitude, yielding mixed results, alas, and longings for earlier, more straightforward adaptations. 

Yet, like a Broadway revival of an old chestnut, it's a treat to see familiar material dusted off and performed with gusto by new faces, and this double feature has the likes of Miranda Hart, Hugh Laurie, Bill Nighy and Tilda Swinton, not to mention Dev Patel as Mr. Copperfield and Anya Taylor-Joy as Miss Woodhouse, to fit that bill.

MD Ratings: The Personal History of David Copperfield: 6/10
Emma: 7/10

Emma is now streaming on HBO Max.

Follow moviedearestblog on Instagram for all your mirthful British period dramedy needs!

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