Thursday, July 26, 2007

Movie Music: The Tide is High

There are many reasons why Longtime Companion is remembered. It was one of the first feature films to tackle the subject of AIDS. Bruce Davison's moving, Oscar-nominated performance. Campbell Scott.

But one of the reasons why I remember it so fondly is the songs, which is surprising considering a soundtrack album was never released.

All the songs fit the period and, most importantly, the mood of each scene. Blondie's"The Tide is High" all bouncy and free-spirited, plays over the opening scenes, perfectly capturing the carefree times before the disease. When the epidemic begins to take over their lives, one character escapes into the original cast albumof Dreamgirls. And, towards the end of the movie, both the characters and we are given a much-needed laugh with an unexpected string quartet version of a song I won't name, lest you haven't seen the movie.

The clincher is Zane Campbell's"Post Mortem Bar". Plaintive and powerful, the song plays in contrast to a jubilant onscreen reunion. It is one of the few songs I get choked up to every time I hear it.

That is the essence of a great movie song, able to transform you back to the emotions of the film, letting you relive that moment, even with the tears.

Click the links above to buy the albums the songs are featured on, or click here to purchase Longtime Companionon DVD, from
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