Friday, November 16, 2007

MD Poll: Do the 'Do

In recognition of its DVD debut next Tuesday, this week's MD Poll asks you to pick your favorite character from the hit movie musical Hairspray!

Do the Turnblads turn you on? Have a crush on Corny? Are you in love with Link, or is it Amber you find adorable? Here's your chance to make your voices heard, so go ahead and vote in the poll, located in the sidebar at right.

And don't forget to tune back in next week, same time, same channel, to find out who the victor is, as we crown the winner of the Miss Teenage Hairspray Cont... I mean, the favorite Hairspray character!

UPDATE: This poll is now closed. Click here for the results, and click here to vote in the latest MD Poll.

Click here to pre-order Hairsprayon DVD from


Anonymous said...

Love Velma Von Tussle . Michelle was the best part of the film. Everyone was great but I think Michelle deserves an AA nod for her performance .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I completely agree with you. I think Michelle was phenomenal, her performance was a great one, and included with Stardust, was a great transition back into her acting career after being gone for four years. Michelle did wonderful in Miss Baltimore Crabs (my favorite song) and she really deserves an Academy Award (Best Supporting Actress).

Anonymous said...

I have a huge crush on corny

Kirby Holt said...

>I have a huge crush on corny<

Then you should be really happey with tomorrow's "Cinematic Crush"!


Sorekai08 said...

No! Wilbur was the sexiest, who could turn down Christopher Walken, not me! Corny's cute and Link's sweet but Wilbur blows them all away with experience and overall hotness!