To commemorate the occasion, Movie Dearest has posted a brand new playlist of our favorite TV tunes over at our Official MySpace Page to get you in the boob tube mood.
And if you find yourself singing along to the likes of the themes from Alice, Wonder Woman and The Flintstones but don't quite remember the words, then you can brush up on the lyrics with these nifty "TV Karaoke" videos.
Bet you didn't know that in "There's a New Girl in Town", Linda Lavin actually says "There's a fresh freckled face in the nay-vhor-hood", or that her final vamp is spelled "pha fu fa fo fauuuuuum". Or how about one of the many immortal couplets from "Wonder Woman", such as "Make a hawk a dove-uh/stop a war with love/make a liar tell the truooo-whooth". And if you, like I, prefer to warble "Meet the Flintstones" Fred Schneider/BC-52's style, then you may want to know that that mystery lyric is "through the courtesy of Fred's two feet". You'll have a gay ol' time!
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