If you ever wanted to dress up like Al Pacino as
Cruising's undercover detective Steve Burns for Halloween, now's your chance. A hanky for your back pocket (choose the appropriate color and positioning from this
handy NSFW chart) and a bottle of poppers (sold separately) are all you need to complete this risk-taking ensemble. And don't forget to practice your
dance moves.
For more lost costumes of yesteryear, be sure to check out this
INSANE fashion show held by the geniuses over at Kindertrauma.
I no it may be to late for this year, but were kind I find this???
Actually, all the costumes at the link are all fake.
Don't worry, I fell for it too ... even tried to look up "MASH Babies" on Imdb (no lie, it must have been late ... )
- kch
Thanks Kirby for the try.
We really need to get our merchandising act together over at Kindertrauma and market these things... we could make a mint!
Thanks for the linkage Kirby.
Yes, I know quite a few people who would like some (all) of those!
- kch
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