Alas, considering his subject matter (not movies, but puppies and kitties and an occasional deconstruction of a hip-hop ditty), it was never certain that I would be able to point you in his direction. Fortuitously, that is no longer the case, for in a recent episode, Leavins takes on the teen sensation Zac Efron. Or, more specifically, his wonton teenaged fans.
Of course, little Zac's fan base extends beyond the Tiger Beat crowd to include adult crushers of both genders (OK, mostly male). And apparently Zackey is aware of this, as this recent interview for the tabloid show Extra can attest (it was shot at the launch of something called "Halo 3", whatever that is ...). In it, Missy Efron claims that, while he can handle little girls screaming at him, it's the "crazy mid-30-year-old male fans" that he could do without.
Zac, Zac, Zac. Don't you know that it is we 'mos who will keep your career afloat once the teenie-boppers move on to the next big thing? Who do you think gave you your big break in movies but the queer coterie behind Hairspray? And just who do you think will be snatching up your Rolling Stone cover poster
Take it from Donna Summer: it is not wise to piss off the gays.
Links via YouTube.com, ChrisLeavins.typepad.com, MostBeautifulMan.com, Televisionista.blogspot.com, HollywoodReporter.com, Amazon.com and Wikipedia.org.
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